CineStill Film BWXX Black and White Negative Film (120 Roll Film) $13.99 CINESTILL BwXX 120 is a classic panchromatic black and white negative film for both outdoor and indoor/studio use. Akin to the legendary Kodak Plus-X & Tri-X emulsions, it is an excellent... Add to Cart
CineStill BWXX - Double X Black and White Negative Film 35mm - 36 Exposures $12.99 CineStill BwXX 35mm is a classic panchromatic black and white negative film for both outdoor and studio use. It has a variable base sensitivity of ISO 250 under daylight (5500K) and ISO 200 under... Add to Cart
CineStill 800Tungsten 135-36 Color Neg. Film (One Roll) $16.49 36 exp. 135 rolls. Great rated ISO 200-2000! Can be pushed to 3000! CineStill 800Tungsten is a unique film for still photographers. This 800 speed tungsten balanced color negative film is prepared... Add to Cart
CineStill 800Tungsten 120 Color Neg. Film (One Roll) $16.99 120 format color negative film, factory spooled and boxed. Great rated ISO 200-2000! Can be pushed over 3000! CineStill 800Tungsten (2nd. Generation) is a unique film for still photographers. This... Add to Cart